Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Rise of Autumn

In August, there comes a day when one feels that Summer’s hold is waning and Autumn waits in the wings, gathering strength. Often this may be observed in the first bloom of the asters or the quickening of apples’ ripening. A restlessness among animals may be noticed, and flocks of birds gathering. Always by August the trees and meadows seem tired to me as if they are ready for rest. But there is a change in the wind and in the quality of sunlight also. When I feel this, even if I have observed nothing, even if it is still quite warm, I know that Autumn is coming.

This year it was the tenth of the month when I knew that Autumn was near. Just ten days later, Autumn has all but arrived. The weather has become cool and rainy, the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees; the woods surrounding Little Orchard House has that cool, humid smell to it, richly fragrant of damp trees.

The old Chinese calendar I find most intriguing. The second week of this month brings a little season known as the Rise of Autumn followed, two weeks later, by another short season, the Suppression of Heat. It hold true even here, so many miles away: Autumn approaches.

Last week, I saw the first flock of wild geese fly overhead in a small 'v'. Last weekend before dawn, we were awoken by the sound of another flock flying low over the house, calling their endearing goose cries. Suddenly I understood that our home upon the river bluffs is within a great corridor for flocks of migrating birds. What a blessing! The dissonant harmony of wild geese honking is one of the greatest riches in this place. When I hear them flying by, calling down from high in the skies above as they pass through this land, my heart feels heavy and lightened at the same time.

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